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‘’Study the past if you would define the future’’ - Confucius


The value of teaching History in schools should never be underestimated. History gives us the tools to analyse and explain problems in the past and allows us to see patterns that might overwise be invisible in the present. It allows us to have a crucial perspective for understanding and solving current and future problems. It allows children to see their place in the world and in the long story of human development. And it allows them to make sense of the similarities and differences in human experiences across different points of time.

At St Peter’s, we teach History every other half term. Our units range from the pre-historical era of the Stone Age to the Shang Dynasty and through to WWII and beyond. Links are made where possible to other curriculum areas such as Writing and Reading to allow key concepts and vocabulary to be embedded.

As children move through the school, they build on their pre-existing understanding of concepts and build links between different periods of time. Care has been taken to ensure that content is appropriate, challenging and focusses on a progression of skills, vocabulary, knowledge and understanding to ensure that they leave Primary School with not only a well rounded understanding of key events in History but have the skills and passion that allow them to become lifelong Historians.


We know that the value of History is not just to remember dates and events from the past – it is the skills of justifying, interpreting and critiquing that are valuable in preparing our children for life beyond Primary School.  

Our vision for History is to foster an environment in which all children engage in the study of compelling and challenging historical enquires - investigating questions about people and events in the past in order to enable them to better understand their lives today and for a future as more informed and enlightened citizens. Through the study of history pupils will develop a wide range of critical thinking skills, which enable them to understand the subjective nature of ‘fact’ and opinion when reaching conclusions and making judgements about the past.



Staff at St Peters teach the aims and subject content of the National Curriculum 2014. History is taught discretely once per week in alternate terms (a total of 3 enquiries per academic year). To support our young Historians, we use ‘The Connected Curriculum’ by David Weatherly. This ensures coverage and progression in all skills and knowledge relating to History. We plan an opportunity within each session to revisit Historical knowledge, skills and understanding that may need further consolidation or to use new knowledge to enforce prior skills.

In every History lesson, it is made explicit to pupils that they are being taught History. Specifically named History knowledge, skills and understanding are also referred to throughout the enquiries. It is expected that the pupils will become familiar with these skills as they progress through the school. 

In addition to this, staff understand that the pupils will progress through transferable learning skills in order to develop as Historians. For example, pupils in Year 1 will be expected to recognise, identify and describe. Year 2 will compare and explain. A Geographer in Year 6 will evaluate, critique and hypothesise. These are the specific skills that the teachers will assess. 

Through the use of the History Progression Document, teachers can become familiar with previous and subsequent year groups’ content in order to link learning, close gaps and build on previous knowledge. This document assigns age appropriate vocabulary to be taught explicitly in History lessons. These words have been specifically selected so that they link to other Historical concepts that have or will be taught or are ‘high mileage’’ words (words that can be used across a range of different academic subjects).

Due to the predicted numbers on roll, we use a rolling programme of planning. When planning each enquiry, teaching staff ensure that the outcome for each year group is pedagogically appropriate, taking all of the above into consideration. 

There is a named Leader of History at St Peters. The Lead, supported by the Senior Leadership Team, regularly monitors, evaluates and reviews the History provision. This regular review aims to celebrate and share good practice, contributing to the ongoing improvement of the subject across the school. 


Pupils have a growing knowledge and understanding of the past, the links between different periods and time and how the past influences the present. Our pupils are confident Historians, with the ability to discuss their learning from past and current topics, as well as explain their next steps. 

Our pupils gain an increasingly complex range of critical thinking skills that transfer across the curriculum. 

Every pupil is challenged to achieve their Historical potential through carefully planned, motivating enquiries.
